Weekend Services
We gather for worship each weekend to worship through congregational singing and Biblical teaching. Each service is unique and open to anyone interested in seeking the Lord. Children’s activities are available during both services. We also meet at other times for a variety of activities & studies.

8:30 AM Worship
Drawing from the broad scope of traditional worship music available, our Adult Choir and Worship Team leads the 8:30 AM Worship Gathering in a passionate way.

10:50 AM Worship
If you prefer a more modern worship setting, we invite you to experience the 10:50 AM Worship Gathering. The service is led in worship by an incredible band in a variety of musical styles.

9:40 AM Sunday Morning Bible Study
We believe Sunday Morning Bible Study at Parkway is foundational to leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. Our classes are set up by age group from birth to senior adults, single and married, couples and coed.
Discover Parkway
We believe that Parkway is not just a place to attend, but a church family to belong. Discover Parkway is your first chance to learn more about our core values, ministries, and your place in His church at Parkway, as well as a time to get to know the Parkway leadership. Discover Parkway is offered 3-4 times a year. Whether you have just begun attending Parkway, or have been here regularly over the last few months, we would love you to join us at Discover Parkway.