VBS Volunteer Registration
June 2–6, 2025
Deeply Rooted: the Women’s Ministry at Parkway Baptist Church desires to draw women closer to God and to each other through weekly small group opportunities and monthly fellowships.
The Gospel Of John by Melissa Spoelstra
Wednesdays at 10 am
Location: Hope Classroom
Facilitator: Polly Machen
This is a 7-session Bible Study focused on savoring the peace of Jesus in a chaotic world. If you need childcare please contact Jennifer McCracken.
1 Peter: A Living Hope In Christ by Jen Wilkin
Wednesdays at 6:15 pm
Location: Agape Classroom
Facilitator: Samantha Byars
Our inheritance through Christ is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading. In 1 Peter, a man of faith and flaws and eyewitness to the life of Christ challenges us to look beyond our current circumstances to a future inheritance. He shares his concerns on big picture issues for the early church, describes believers’ true identity in Christ, and ultimately helps readers discover what it means to experience the Living Hope they have in Christ.
Key themes of humility, submission, and identity in Christ guide the study of 1 Peter as participants are challenged to read the book in its entirety each week.