VBS Volunteer Registration
June 2–6, 2025
Youth Ministry is like none other. We are privileged to serve seventh through twelfth grade students by creating environments that they love and help them discover a new life in Jesus. The teenage years are exciting, awkward and sometimes difficult. Your student wants to get it right. We are here to help!
Our Mission
To lead the next generation to live for what matters most.
Core Values
1. Authentic Faith
2. Spiritual Disciplines
3. Moral Boundaries
4. Meaningful Friendships
5. Wise Choices
6. Ultimate Authority
7. Others First
We are looking forward to relaunching our youth ministries this fall with new missions, strategies, core values and a few new ministry environments. Please download the PDF for either Middle and/or High school AND the Parents and schedule PDFs below. As we move closer to school starting back, we will update you with our plans and scheduled dates for re-launch. If you have any questions, you can reach Bobby by calling the church office.